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V E S T F O L D - U K U L E L E K L U B B

Hello :-)

You have arrived at Vestfold Ukuleleklubb their website and I can inform you that Vestfold Ukuleleklubb consists of a lovely bunch of happy Ukulele playing people, who get together regularly and singing and playing their hearts' content.

Vestfold Ukuleleklubb (Vuk) was founded September 23, 2003 after Oyvind Saether had held the first Ukulele cours. Freddie Langrind and Oyvind Saether were central figures in the beginning of the club.

It all started with Øyvind had bought what he thought was a toy guitar, but as it turned out that there was a Ukulele. He discovered that the ukulele was easy to play and thought that this had more try. More Ukuleles were obtained and it was held courses in Ukulele playing.
This was in 2003.

Today we keep at Slagen Aktivitetssenter, Granatveien 2, near Tønsberg, Norway, and plays every Tuesday at 1800 to 2130. (See "Calendar")
As of today we are 37 members and the club is constantly growing.
Would you like to visit us, please contact Chairman Jan-Erik Eilertsen or Oyvind Saether (see "about us") or just show up at Slagen Aktivitetssenter. Do you play an instrument so bring it on.
We hope that many will experience the joy of playing music and welcome you.
We use sheets of text and chords so it's easy to hang on with us.
We take ourselves not too seriously and playing pleasure is central.

We gigs small and large when we have the opportunity.
We have a large repertoire that ranges from quiet shows Rock, evergreens, and her own compositions things.

We found that the Ukulele is Fun!

Or as we says:
I think you will hardly find a hobby that is so cheap and gives as much pleasure as playing Ukulele. !!
So if you want to study? Contact Øyvind on telephone 48019639 or e mail
saether.oyvind @

Thank you for taking the time to visit our site.
Please write in our guestbook, please contact us or come to visit.

